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People can think its funny or they just dont like pokemon.

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Q: Why do people draw bad pictures of Pokemon trainers?
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It depends on what you are going to draw. The coolest HARD thing to draw is a unicorn or a dragon. The coolest EASY thing to draw is animals or stick people. ( to learn how to draw stick people try stickpage.

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Vampire Knight is an anime, not a way to draw

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If you go upstairs in a pokemon center and go to the second nurse she will let you in the room and you can trade pokemon with someone near you and you can also draw pictures, battle, and talk there.

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It's hard to draw pictures in this space but I can point you to some pictures in the related links which might help.

Can you draw pictures on apple computers?

Apple computers have an excellent range of software available which can be used to draw pictures.

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because he wanted people to know about it and to see how it looked

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There is an app called Quick Memo on Android phones that will let you draw pics and save them to your gallery.

How do you draw old people?

First Draw A Face Then Wrinkles Then You Are Done But Dont Forget The Body! Here is a link to pictures of old people which you can copy:

What is a good sentence using draw?

I like to draw pictures of cardinals.

What are the hardest Pokemon to draw?

depends on what your weaknesses are. I don't draw Pokemon but i am an artist. i"m basing my answer off of the pokedex pictures. I always mix up the swirl direction on Polywag, Poliwrath, and Polywhirl. If you want to be exact to detail ,I'd say it was Gastly, koffing, Moltres, Altaria, or Groudon.