chicken nuggets
A shiny Riolu is like any other shiny Pokemon in the game, for every Pokemon that you encounter, there is a 1 in 8192 chance that it will be shiny.
victini has no shiny sprite, programmed not to be shiny. it's like mewthree: it doesn't exist. only normal victini's
Shiny Pokemon are exactly the same as others so lets say you have a shiny zubat like i do level it up and it will evolve to golbat and stay shiny! Keep leveling it up and it will become a crobat and still be shiny!
it is white.
Because they have to fill in the empty spaces of their souls with items. They like shiny things and stuff...they are kind of like birds. :o They take your shiny things and fly away with them.
because some people like shiny things and jewellery is shiny and when i say shiny i mean shiny i mean silver and gold
because we like shiny things
Magpies, Jackdaws, Crows, Jays
I dont know.. Ask his girlfriend Princess...
Shiny things have a reflective, bright surface that reflects light, while dull things have a matte, non-reflective surface that does not shine or shimmer. The shininess of an object depends on its smoothness and the way it reflects light.
It is for frying small liquidy things like pancakes.
they represent bright shiny things in space! they represent bright shiny things in space!
No, magnets can attract to a variety of materials based on their magnetic properties, not just shiny objects. Magnets attract objects that contain ferromagnetic materials like iron, cobalt, and nickel, regardless of their appearance.
Giraffes never get eight feet. Octopusses are born with eight feet but giraffes? don't be silly! Giraffes never get eight feet. Octopusses are born with eight feet but giraffes? don't be silly!
Shiny pokemon are pokemon with different colours. Such as a chancey being orange and things like that. I don't think a shiny trail means its shiny though, as pokemon cant change colours, they're born shiny or they aren't.