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to attract a mate

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Q: Why do octopusses like shiny things?
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Why do girls like getting?

Because they have to fill in the empty spaces of their souls with items. They like shiny things and stuff...they are kind of like birds. :o They take your shiny things and fly away with them.

Why do girls like jewelry?

because some people like shiny things and jewellery is shiny and when i say shiny i mean shiny i mean silver and gold

What is shiny and dull things?

its simple the things when placed in light shine or glitter like steel,polished metals etc. are shiny things and the things that don't glitter even in light like wood and non metals are dull substances.

Why do people like blondes?

That people are attracted to bright shiny things does not indicate the value of those things.

Why do humans value diamonds so highly?

because we like shiny things

Do magnets only attract to shiny things?

do magnets attract only shiny things

What birds like shiny things?

Magpies, Jackdaws, Crows, Jays

Does Joe Jonas like shiny things?

I dont know.. Ask his girlfriend Princess...

What is the purpose of a shiny surface on an electric grill?

It is for frying small liquidy things like pancakes.

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What do stars symbolise?

they represent bright shiny things in space! they represent bright shiny things in space!

Why are steel electric kettles often made very shiny?

becuz, umm, magpie liek shiny things, an people also like it look good in kitchen.