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Because we fcking love the taste and it makes my lady proud and makes me hungry when i see puss. Horny.

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Q: Why do men suck on viganas?
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Why do girls have viganas?

They are there to protect the opening to the Vagina, much like eye lids.

Why do one men suck another man pennies?

Because he has no coins of his own to suck.

Do white men suck black men?

Yes. It is extremly common.

Why do men like to suck?

Cause they're gay

What was the daily jobs of men in the Pennsylvania colony?

suck it

Do males suck penises?

Some men do this. Most do not.

Do gay guys suck on penis's?

Normally, gay men not only suck on penis's they even insert their penis(s) into other men's rectums. This is known as Anal Sex.

Can men suck each other?

Yeah. It's awesome.

Is it okay for men to suck on your breasts?

If you're comfortable with it, absolutely!

In the Delaware colony what did the children women and men do?

You people suck!

What gender has the best memory?

women do cause men suck

Do men suck anything on the women?

Yes, there are parts of women that men might suck during love-making. The breasts and the vulva area are the most common areas that come to mind. Of course, men might suck a woman's neck, mouth, and feet as well. It all depends on the exact couple and what they want to do.