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They like them because kids like to challenge their minds and Video Games are challenging, and they also like them because it's fun to see how far you can get on a tough game, and you can test your skills with them. And also, kids like video games along with adults. They're made for everyone, and adults like them for the same reasons. Kids just get addicted to them easier.

Everyone likes fun stuff.

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Q: Why do children like playing games?
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Playing games...:)

Why children like playing video games and what draws them?

Basically to a child a game is a new adventure just waiting to begin and if they like watching tv then playing games is like watching tv and controlling it and some games are good fun especially the Nintendo wii

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childrens feeling on playing games

How can i stop my children playing online games?

Get them into sports, and have them practice it. Then if they start to like it they will spend less time playing on the computer and more time practicing for there sport.

I like playing games on your psp and ds when I look after children. Are there any good games apart from your baby boy and imagine baby club?

have you tried playing any of the harvest moon games you can get married and have children i would recommend rune factory 2 and 3 because you get to play as your child in the second one i loved it

Is playing games misuse?

it depends on what games you are playing. if you are playing games that are 18 above it is misuse but if you are playing games like runescape, battleon, fantage and other games it is not misuse.

Is children playing casino games in international waters illegal?

Yes, there are certain rules of every country that prohibits children from playing casino games. Gambling is not associated to children for every country and there are certain rules and regulation to follow.

Influence of technology on how children play?

Technology has made it difficult for children to engage in active games. Children have taken to playing video games and other games that do not necessarily require physical activity.

Is playing game is misused?

it depends on what games you are playing. if you are playing games that are 18 above it is misuse but if you are playing games like runescape, battleon, fantage and other games it is not misuse.

Why do parents dislike children playing games?

They think that playing games can damage eyes because of the electronic screen, and affect their brain by addiction.

What games did the rich Tudor children used to play?

tudor rich children played games that included hopscotch, playing cards football, board games

What age child are Leapfrog games recommended for?

Leapfrog games are great for small children. Children from 3-7 will be able to learn and will enjoy playing the Leapfrog games.