WII remotes are electrical devices which consume power. All devices which use energy require a source for this energy. Wii decided that batteries made the most sense for the energy source.
Wii remotes need two double A batteries to work.
Wii remotes run on 2 AA batteries but if you can get a pair of recharable batteries then yes you would need to charge them. (Pick your brand carefully, some batteries run out fast!)
Most games require a separate Wii remote for each player. For single player games you only need one remote. You can connect up to four Wii Remotes to a single console, or three Wii Remotes and a Wii Fit Balance Board.
at least one! if you want to play all the instruments at the same time, use the number of wii remotes to instruments
You need to press the 1 and 2 buttons at the same time with all Wii remotes.
Wii remotes need two double A batteries to work.
Mine I have to replace with batteries.
No, it uses Wii remotes (that need batteries) but I think the microphone plugs into the back of the Wii.
Wii remotes run on 2 AA batteries but if you can get a pair of recharable batteries then yes you would need to charge them. (Pick your brand carefully, some batteries run out fast!)
Yep, there are for Wii remotes that have rechargeable batteries.
The Wii Remote Charging station is designed for use with standard Wii remotes. You'll only need to switch to rechargeable batteries.
Wii Remotes, or "WiiMotes", require two AAbatteries.
They do not get charged you have to put new batteries in them.
Rechargeable alkaline batteries work the best in WII remotes. This is because they are rechargeable, which saves you money in the long run. Alkaline batteries are also the only type of batteries that are recommended in the owner's manual.
Yes, they can, so long as they have batteries, they will work with any Wii console x
The wii remotes can become unsynced with the wii when either the batteries are changed, or the remotes are connected to another console, like your friends for example.
because it is not plugged