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Hercule pretended to be friends with Fat Buu and secretly tried to kill him many times, but the two actually develop a friendship. When Fat Buu's Dog is shot at, he gets very angry and expels the evil inside of him, taking the shape of Buu of Pure Wrath.

Buu of Pure Wrath absorbs Fat Buu, turning into Super Buu.

Because Super Buu has the innocent Fat Buu inside of him, when he tries to attack Hercule, he can't because memories of friendship with him from Fat Buu

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Q: Why didn't Super Buu kill Hercule?
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How many hercule exhibits are there in dragonballz buu's fury?

There are 25 hercule exhibits

How does super buu die?

Super Buu Doesn't technically die, what happens is the Fat Majin Buu is taken out by Vegeta. Then majin gets shorter. He turns into kid buu. After that, things got worse. He destroys the Earth and Goku & Vegeta lure him to The Surpreme Kai's Planet. He dies by the way of Goku's Spirit Bomb. With the help of Hercule.....

How did Super Buu Become Kid Buu?

Goku and Vegeta take Majin Buu (the fat one) out of super buu

Who is stronger Kid Buu or Super Buu?

AnswerKid Buu is the stronger of the two.Buu's transformations: Majin Buu --> Fat Buu and Evil Buu --> Super Buu --> Gotenks Buu --> Mystic Buu --> Super Buu --> Buff Buu --> Kid Buu.The strongest is the unknown Buff Buu, followed by Mystic Buu, who is followed by Kid Buu, who is stronger than Gotenks Buu, who is in turn far stronger than Super Buu.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mystic Buu is the strongest form of all Buus' forms.Kid Buu is the original & strongest non-fused Buu.Base Super Buu & Buff Buu are nearly as equal but Buff Buu is stronger.kid buu is stronger than super buu. Proof? super buu was overpowered by ss3 gotenks who is as strong as ss3 goku. kid buu was able to beat ss3 goku. gohan buu and gotenks buu are both stronger than kid buu. Why? although, goku lost to kid buu, he put up a decent fight. super buu's power is lower than kid buu's but not far off. With picolo's mind and the combine strength of super buu and gotenks, gotenks buu is alot stronger than kid buu. gohan buu is undoubtly stronger than kid buu. super buu put a good fight agaisnt gotenks but ultimate gohan beat super buu without breaking a sweat. ~greenaloe

When does Vegeta first turn Super Saiyan 2 in Dragon Ball Z?

Vegeta becomes super sayian 2 when he doesn't kill Majin buu. When he came back to help goku defeat super buu.

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You have to beat super buu with hercule (after super buu absorbs gohan) on stage 8

When was goku in Other World with Vegeta?

Some point inbetween Hercule befriending Buu and Super Buu eating everyone at Kamis lookout.

How many hercule exhibits are there in dragonballz buu's fury?

There are 25 hercule exhibits

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well you can get Vigeto by going through the game (you can only be him to fight super buu Gohan absorbed) or you can be Gogeta by getting all Z and Hercule exhibits.

Can SSJ5 Goku kill Super Buu?

If there were a SSJ5 Goku, he would theoretically be able to defeat Super Buu with a single punch.

How does super buu die?

Super Buu Doesn't technically die, what happens is the Fat Majin Buu is taken out by Vegeta. Then majin gets shorter. He turns into kid buu. After that, things got worse. He destroys the Earth and Goku & Vegeta lure him to The Surpreme Kai's Planet. He dies by the way of Goku's Spirit Bomb. With the help of Hercule.....

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Who killed super buu?

Vegeta and Goku worked together to kill him.

Who is stonger super buu or kid buu?

kid buu because kid buu is faster and quicker than super buu and super buu does not have the same moves as kid buu

Who is next to kid buu on dragon ball raging blast?

Majin Buu and Super Buu (Super Buu Gotenks Absorbed and Super Buu Gohan Asorbed)

How did Super Buu Become Kid Buu?

Goku and Vegeta take Majin Buu (the fat one) out of super buu

Who would win between normal kidd buu and normal Super Buu?

super buu