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Well, SEGA created the Tails Doll because they thought making a Metal Tails would be too repetitive. They never intended Tails Doll to be portrayed as murderous and psychotic the way people on the internet portray him, so I think it's safe to assume that Eggman didn't want to be repetitive either.

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Q: Why did eggman create tails doll?
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Why was the tails doll created?

Tails Doll was created becuase Eggman did not have enough parts to make metal tails

What is the tails doll's deal?

Its just a robotic doll built be eggman!

Who created tails doll?

Eggman made the tails doll. if but some people think it was some one else...

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Who is smarter Tails or Eggman?

By analyzing eggman methods

Does the tails doll have a girlfriend?

tails dossent have a girlfriend. NOBODY CARES ABOUT TAILS DOLL!!!!!

Who was tails kidnapped by in sonic lost world?

Tails was kidnapped by Dr. Eggman.

Are you afraid of the Tails Doll?

I think Tails Doll is awesome!

Where is female tails doll?

There is no female Tails. Therefore, there can't be a female Tails Doll.

Who is tails plush doll?

The Tails Doll is a character from Sonic R which is a doll version of Tails. It was built by Dr. Robotnik.

Is the Tails Doll afraid of anything?

I've heard that if you hold a Sonic doll in front of Tails Doll's face, he will get scared and leave. The Tails Doll is afraid of Sonic!

Why tails doll is so good sometimes be evil?

Tails Doll is evil because Robotnik made him. Some people thinks Tails Doll is an evil demon, but he is not, Tails Doll is just a badnik doll made by Robotnik in Sonic R.