IDK if you want cheats go on a website for cheats for ipod touch games or tap tap revenge 3 cheats or watever
It depends whether or not you want to do this legally or not? Um you could be subtle and give them a taste of their own medicine
"ET jeux t'en revanche"is not the text in Lady Gaga's song. It is "et j'veux ta revanche" which means : AND I want your revenge
ola k ase? jugando bisonte burrito revenge o k ase?
heck no remote revenge only works when a spell trap or effect monster targets a monster not another trap card. that's like using magical cylinder on magical cylinder. read the card.
Darius wanted revenge.
hi my name is darius applewhite
He captured Athens and looted the city in 480-479 BCE.
A punitive expedition he sent to Eretria and Athens was defeated by Athens at Marathon 490 BCE.
The burning of Persepolis was intended as revenge for Xerxes' invasion and burning of Athens during the Greco-Persian Wars.
He wanted to increase the wealth of Persia, he wanted glory, and revenge.-------------------------------It all began when the Greeks helped the Ionions revolt, which resulted in the destruction of the Persian city of Sardis. Darius the Great swore revenge, ordered his satrap to attack Greece, but failed. Darius took the task upon himself, but soon died. His son, Xerxes the Great, continued his father's plan.It is important to note that Xerxes did NOT want to conquer Greece. After the Persian victory at the Battle of Thermopylae, Athens was abandoned and "conquered" by the Persians, but Xerxes decided to burn it to the ground in revenge for what the Greeks did to Sardis (although soon after, Xerxes regretted what he had done and rebuilt the city), and thereafter soon left Greece.
Battle of Marathon
Xerxes vowed revenge & planned to invade Greece. He became the new Persian monarch in 486 B.C., after Persian King Darius died. He had an army of 18,000 troops, thousands of warships & supply vessels.
Xerxes was heir to Darius. What 'advice about him' means in this context I can't fathom.
His war of revenge victim was Darius III because the had war and Alexander lost all except once. That is my answer! I hope i answered your question! enjoy!
There were three kings of Persia called Darius in the 6th, 5th and 4th Centuries BCE. Greece was not a unified country - the Greek world was comprised of 2,000 independent city-states, including Sparta, Thebes, Corinth, Athens. So there was no capital of the Greek world.
First it was Darius the Great, and after he died it was taken on by his son Xerxes.