buizel seemed more interested in ash's training style and aipom seemed more interested in dawns contest style so they decided to trade them. thanx for that awnser so it was lucky of aipom to follow ash all the way to the shinno regouin
No,but I wish he did!
hi, they trade in episode 523 (pokemon DP 55) for ash's aipom and dawns Buziel!
Ash currently has 29 Pokemon. Ash has had
Ash does not eat his Pokemon.
if a baby is called ash and acts like ash in Pokemon then that's ash
Ash traded his aipom for Dawn's buizel
No,but I wish he did!
hi, they trade in episode 523 (pokemon DP 55) for ash's aipom and dawns Buziel!
pikachu,turtwig and aipom
Ash's Aipom is with Dawn because everybody knows that ash and dawn traded aipom and buizel. Dawns Aipom evolved into Ambipom not long after the trade and she left Ambipom in training in glactic battles and later on dawn then catches a swinub.
Ash's Pokémon in the Battle Frontier include Pokémon such as Charizard, Swellow, Corphish, Snorlax, Tauros, Pikachu, Sceptile, Aipom, Torkoal, Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Heracross.
Ash never caught Buizel. Dawn caught it but she traded her Buizel for his Aipom.
Ash leaves May on the last Hoenn tv episode where Ash heads off to Sinnoh with Pikachu and Aipom
Pikachu, Turtwig, Chimchar, Starly, Buizel (he trades Aipom for it) and 1 more I haven't discovered yet. Gliscor or gligar whitch ever one you prefer.
possibly because he gets more attention from ash.
It`s a girl.
Currently as of Black and White (Best Wishes), Ash has 9 unova pokemon (including pikachu): Pikachu, Tranquill, Oshawott, Tepig, Snivy, Scraggy, Swadloon, Palpitoad, and Roggenrola. All of them are male with the exception of Tranquill, Snivy, and Roggenrola (Roggenrola is genderless). Ash also has 54 other pokemon that are with Prof. Oak or in training (This includes Ash's 30 Tauros).