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He felt that he didn't get enough time with his family and had to choose between the two. But he said that he might return to making DBZ series but for now well just have to wait.

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Q: Why did akira toriyama end dbz?
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Akira Toriyama.

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Who created dbz?

The Creator Of DBZ was Akira Toriyama Akira Toriyama lives in japan and he has also made other manga like Sand Land and Dr. Slump!!!!!

Who is the maker of dbz?

His name is Akira Toriyama and he's Japanese

Who Owens Dragon Ball Z?

The maker of the manga Akira Toriyama is the owner of DBZ.

When will dbz af come out?

Af is fake.The creator of DBZ, Akira Toriyama did that as an April Foll's joke.That is why it is called af.

Who drew goku in Dragon Ball Z?

Akira Toriyama created all of the DBZ characters.

What comes after dragonball af?

Akira Toriyama will not make anymore shows after dbz. Dragon ball AF is a fan made series.

When was Akira Toriyama born?

Akira Toriyama was born on April 5, 1955.

Is there going to be a dbz AF video game?

No, it was not made by Akira Toriyama(creator of dragonballz). If it was'nt made by him, then DragonBall-Z-AF will not come out. It was not made by Akira Toriyama, so the game is fake which it will not come out. But they did think of making a game like that, but the game was canceled.