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there is no point in making an account trust me i made one and that game completely sucked

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Q: Why cant you open the site of naruto arena?
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Is a virus in Naruto Battle Arena?

no it doesnt the site always is being checked by moderators and it has a renewed engine that is virus free

How do you download stick arena?

Well you don't need to down load stick arena. :D just goto the site Xgen studios find stick arena and click it. If you need to click it again. A new window shoud open and then you can play.

What site is good Naruto episodes?

Which is the best Naruto site? This is the best Naruto site. Episodes come in nearly all Thursday but sometimes there are two episodes on after 2 Thursday. It is the best Naruto site.

How do you do missions in Naruto arena in PC?

Doing missions on Naruto-Arena is very easy. They are not part of the game, but run in the background. First make sure your ninja rank is correct with the mission rank. Ex: Be a Genin to do a Genin mission Then, look at what you have to do on the mission. Ex: If you need to beat 12 people with Sasuke, put Sasuke on your team, then beat 12 people through ladder matches or quick games.

I Cant open Myspacecom web wheather it is problem of my internet PC or website?

if it says this web site is having tecnical difaculties than is the web site but if u cant even get on than its your pc!

What is a good site to create Naruto characters?

I don't think there is a website like that......if you wanna make your own then just draw it. If you cant draw, do a detailed text profile.

What is Eledia- Naruto?

It's a Naruto Roleplay Site.

What time does slough ice arena open on Sundays?

Try If Not Try The "Contact Us" On The Above Site! Hope This Helps! Dann

When you turn on your mac book pro it boots up but you cant get any site to open?

You have to make sure the airport is on.

Is there an online Naruto game like runescape?

No,there isn't exactly a Naruto game like Runescape.But there is a game called The Ninja RPG(you can sign up for The Ninja RPG .And there also is Uzumaki Online(it isn't really that fun NOTE:only six people have joined Uzumaki Online).Or the most know Naruto game that is online that I guess you could count as a type of RPG is Naruto Arena.There is also a site called ninjamanager it is not as hard as naruto arena but just as fun.

Where can someone watch Naruto online?

Naruto is a Japanese manga series, and one can catch online episodes on several web sites, including YouTube, the Naruto Shippuden TV site, the Naruto Episode site, as well as MySpace.