It is upstairs of the Pokemon center the first person to your left
I opened it when I finished Proffesor Elm's job in the beggining
go to the union room and trade with a different trainer (make sure someone else playing pearl, diamond, silver gold or any Pokemon game is near you and is in the union room
You cant
It is upstairs of the Pokemon center the first person to your left
go to the union room and trade
Go to the Union Room.
I opened it when I finished Proffesor Elm's job in the beggining
Yeah, if you mean the WiFi battle in the Union Room.
You cant get him in soul silver. Only in Pokemon White and black
go to the union room and trade with a different trainer (make sure someone else playing pearl, diamond, silver gold or any Pokemon game is near you and is in the union room
you cant
you cant
you cant
you cant
yes, just go to any union room and trade with whoever u need too