Download the texture pack and put it into the Minecraft Texture Pack folder.
For Minecraft Oasis, the texture pack used by Cupcake is the FNI Realistic RPG texture pack. It can be found at Planet Minecraft.
you get a .zip of the texture pack, and copy it into the texture packs folder in the minecraft directory
You just download a texture pack online, open you're texture pack folder through minecraft (or %appdata%), drag the texture pack into the folder, and select it though minecraft.
paintery pack for minecraft. you can make your own.
You need to make sure that the texture pack is saved in the minecraft folder in the texture pack folder.
It is currently impossible to load a Texture Pack on Minecraft Pocket Edition unless if you Jailbreak your device.
Download the texture pack and put it into the Minecraft Texture Pack folder.
Make sure that you are using the default texture pack or a texture pack that shows the Pokemon.
For Minecraft Oasis, the texture pack used by Cupcake is the FNI Realistic RPG texture pack. It can be found at Planet Minecraft.
you get a .zip of the texture pack, and copy it into the texture packs folder in the minecraft directory
You just download a texture pack online, open you're texture pack folder through minecraft (or %appdata%), drag the texture pack into the folder, and select it though minecraft.
paintery pack for minecraft. you can make your own.
You download a texture pack, drag it into your texture pack folder, and then select it through Minecraft.
minecraft kidkraft -hope you don't get scared of this Have to have HD texture pack fix
First find your texture pack, then download it. Open "run". Type in "%appdata%" Open ".minecraft" Open "texturepacks" Paste your texture pack inside the folder. Done!