It might take a couple of times for it to work.
But I am not sure otherwise; does an error come up?
you cant because you have to get it at a store.
Cheating, or else, you cant
you cant, pokemon sienna has never existed. it is a fake version.
you cant
You CANT Get It As A Mystery Gift In ANY POKEMON GAME!To Get The Old Sea Chart,All You Have To Do Is Go To A Nintendo Event.Good Luck Getting It!;]
Pokemon cant on mystery dungeon
You cant download the official prima guides, but gamefaq and ign always have good ones contributed by people.
you cant play nds games on visual, you can however play them on no$gba
you cant
You cant
you cant do that.
you cant
No, you cant.
no you cant
you cant
you cant trade in mystery dungeon but you can trade in pearl with diamond/platinum