

Best Answer

I'm having the same problem at the moment. I'm just going to try logging off my computer and then try again. If it doesn't work then I'm going to shut down the computer and try again. Then if that doesn't work I'm going to ask my mum why it's not working.

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amelia doddington

Lvl 1
3y ago
Can anyone help me sort it out it says there was a problem connecting to the internet when my other laptop works which is BROKEN and i have bought 2 lapops which are useless and they are 64 gb pls HELP

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Q: Why cant I connect to game server on star stable?
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No you cant. Not on a single server. But you can by hacking the game.

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You must have WiFi or 3G/4G enabled on your smartphone or tablet to connect to the Origin/EA server as your game data is stored there.

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The server possibly may be down or you may be running on the wrong version of the game.

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mite not have a rite connection for it

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There was more demand than expected for the game, so the server was overloaded. Hopefully it will be back soon.

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Sadly no, since the server technologies are separate entitys, Counter-Strike: Source can not connect to any other game, and any maps, mods, or servers from 1.5 or 1.6 cannot be used in Counter-Strike: Source.nope it cant

Are most PS3 games server based or peer to peer?

They are predominantly p2p, however a server is usually utilized to connect users or chat pre-game.

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This happens mostly when the game server is down and only the log in server is up. Check for maintenance schedule.

How mdo you make a online game?

Well after making the game, and by making the game I mean the 3D modeling, level creation and the many other processes that go along with it, you will have to create a server to run the game. A server is what all the players of such online game to connect and play together.