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Because some chemicals can explode if their mixed.

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Q: Why can't you enter the lab when no teacher is present?
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Why shouldn't you enter the lab without a teacher's permission?

for safety and health

Why cant you enter a science lab with a teacher?

Its not that you legally can't, but if something goes wrong, it is teacher's fault, because they weren't supervising. It is basically to make sure that you are less likely to do something stupid, and hurt yourself and or others.

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We cant prepare it in lab. But there are aquas ammoni in lab.

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In a laboratory you are responsible for your own safety as well as the safety of your teacher and classmates.?

Yes, but the teacher, lab manager, or Principal Investigator also has overall responsibility for for safety in the lab, as an agent of the institution in which the lab is located.

Why is it important to wait until your teacher is present before entering the science lab?

Because your teacher is responsible for any trouble that might happen, while you and your classmates are using it. So if your teacher is not there, and lets say, some your classmates get hurt with the chemicals or something; then your teacher will get in trouble. So your teacher has to be there so they can make sure everything gos ok.

Why pupils are prohibited to enter the lab unless authorised by the teacher?

Simply because the lab has dangerous substances in them. Unsupervised children could end up throwing containers of acid and other dangerous chemicals around - causing possibly fatal injuries to others !

Why is it important to listen to your teacher carefully in science lab?

It is important to listen to your teacher in a science lab because there is some very dangerous stuff in there which could harm you, so if you listen to your teacher, she/he can tell you what to do but safely!

How can you get a chocolate lab in Nintendogs chihuahua?

you cant. you need to make a combination to get a chocolate lab

What are 10 safety precautions to use inside the laboratory room?

1. do not enter the lab unless the teacher didn't say so. 2. wait for your teacher. 3. enter the laboratory. 4. close the door,lock the door and throw the key or hide it. 5. bring out your condom. 6. f**k your teacher. 7. just do the back and forth. 8. follow all the rules. 9. just wait for your teacher to be pregnant. 10. congratulations!!! you are now a daddy.

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Lab Safety Rules

What are 3 things you do not do in a science lab?

You don't mess with the gas without the teacher's permission. You don't mix chemicals without goggles or without the teacher's permission. You don't horseplay around in the lab.