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The water is too dangerous to swim in.

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Q: Why can't I use surf in the seafoam islands?
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What do you do on seafoam islandin FireRed?

go to fuchsia city once you know surf go down where they are 2 swimmers and 1 guy in the water. use surf and keep on going forward until you reach seafoam islands

Where to find Articuno?

it's in the seafoam islands, you have to resolve a little puzzle to block the watter current and you use surf until you get him/her/it

How do you get the cinnabar island badge on Pokemon Heart Gold version?

You have to use surf off the right side of the island to get to the seafoam islands

How do you surf around seafoam island in Pokemon FireRed?

If you don't want to go through seafoam islands there is a shortcut if you want to take it, Fly to pallet town and go south use Surf and continue south until you reach Cinnibar island guess what you didn't have to go through seafoam island!

How do you get to the four islands if your Pokemon cant use the move surf in soul silver?

you need surf to get to the four ilsands

Where can you find Articuno in firered?

In seafoam islands. I'm going to make it more simpler, surf to seafoam island from fuchsia city because if u surf from cinnabar island, then u won't be able to go to the exact place 'cause the island has 2 parts and 1 of them u can't use surf 'cause the current is too fast My name is Kakooli and i edited or improved the answer.

How do you get articunno in Pokemon FireRed?

Push the boulders in seafoam islands down the holes to make the water stop moving use Surf to reach Articuno save before trying to catch it.

How do you get the magmarizar in Pokemon HeartGold?

At Seafoam islands. Use dowsing MCHN

Pokemon FireRed Shellder?

Use a good rod in seafoam islands.

How you get to Articuno in Pokemon FireRed?

You need surf and strength also the 4th and 5th badge. Enter seafoam islands then using strength push all the boulders down to the water use surf to reach articuno save your game then attempt to capture it good luck.

What type of Pokemon dose Blaine use in soul silver?

You find him in the seafoam islands east of cinnabar. Just go in the cave and up the ladder

How do you get to the seafoam islands in SoulSilver?

you go to the town under were you meet professor oak and then you use surf and there's the cavesurf down from Pallet Town till you get to Cinnabar Island then surf rightYou have to surf east of Cinnabar Island. To get to Cinnabar, you have to surf south of Pallet Town. To get to Pallet Town, you have to wake up the snorlax at Vermilion City with the pokeflute channel in your radio.