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Future Gohan cannot transform into super saiyan 2, because the events leading up to (Kid) Gohan's first transformation to said form did not occur in Future Trunks' timeline. Indeed, Cell did not make an appearance in the future timeline because the androids destroyed Earth and its inhabitants.

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Q: Why can't Future Gohan transform into SSJ2?
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no.broly is the legendary super sayain.people think his ssj2 level.his far above that.because if he was than Z sword train ssj2 gohan would have hurt him really bad and wouldn't need any help form goku and gotan.but z sword train ssj2 gohan couldn't even make broly flinch. it common sense really.if a ssj2 cant make broly flinch than no other ssj2 can. even thought ssj2 vegeta and ssj2 goku have better fighting sense it really wouldn't make a difference. but ssj2 goku can beat bio broly but not real broly. and another fact is if broly was ssj2 power than they would have called it BROLY THE SUPER SAYAIN 2.NOT BROLY THE LEGENDARY SUPER SAYAIN. broly has the best transformation out of all transformation in dbz. so let me put like this BROLY>>>>ssj2 goku.ssj2 gohan.ssj2 vegeta.spc.bojack.super 13.ssj gotan ssj trunks. but if bio broly vs ssj2 goku then goku would win.but without putting up a challegene

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if kid trunks and goten cant beat gohan and gohan can beat cell so cell can beat gotenks

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goten is stronger because he is goku's son goku is stroger than vegeta there for trunks is secon reson is when goten trunks videl and gohan fought broly goten got up while trunks could only do one blast.thrid is if trunks woundint of cheated goten would of won.fourth when goten and trunks were fusing trunks started at almost his full power goten wasent.

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you cant but when you press down o wii remote you transform note (you must have enough energy)

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YOU CANT!!!!!!