some call of duties are rated m because they are really bloody and usually gorey and there is swearing
Call of Duty Black Ops is rated M for Mature.
I know that Call of Duty 4: Modern Combat, and Call of Duty: World at War are rated M for Mature. CoD4 is by far the less graphic of the two, as CoD:WaW has gruesome dismemberment and copious blood. Neither of these are comparable to Gears of War though, that really earns its M rating. Call Of Duty #1 through #3 are rated T for teen.
It is rated M for mature.
Largely, it depends on the standing of the parents on whether or not their 9 year old should play Call of Duty or not. It should also be noted that the modern Call of Duty series is rated "M" for Mature 17+. This rating is not posted on the original Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty: United Offensive, or Call of Duty 3 - in which are rated "T" for Teens.
Call of duty black ops or call of duty modern warfare 2 OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Call of Duty WAW is rated M for mature. Every Call of Duty Game that ever comes out will be Rated M for Mature!
All Call of Duty games are rated M.
It already is rated M
No, you can not. Call of Duty was rated "M" by ESRB for a reason.
It is either rated T or M depends on what it has.
Call of Duty Black Ops is rated M for Mature.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is rated M for mature (17+).
I know that Call of Duty 4: Modern Combat, and Call of Duty: World at War are rated M for Mature. CoD4 is by far the less graphic of the two, as CoD:WaW has gruesome dismemberment and copious blood. Neither of these are comparable to Gears of War though, that really earns its M rating. Call Of Duty #1 through #3 are rated T for teen.
It is Rated M for Mature
coz its cool
It's rated M, 17 and up.