I believe they are popular for a few reasons:
• The simplicity of stick figures adds ease to basic drawing.
• The stick figure is also iconic, especially in the entertainment industry.
• Stick figures require less drawing skill, so anyone can make them!
• They lack human-like features, so they can be modified very easily to the drawer's desire.
You make it yourself.
Go to droidz.org and you will find all the stick figures you need
File> Load Figure Type, then find your stick figure and click it
You let the stick figures grab onto the string, then fling them upwards.
Of course stick figures can't talk!!!!
because they dont have fealings there are just weird drawings
The Sport of Stick Cricket is a little deceiving. Cricket is popular in England, but stick cricket is played primarily online, by stick figures. Apps can be downloaded to various tablets and smartphones.
You can get a whole lot of stick figures, weapons, vehicles and backgrounds here!http:/droidz.org
You make it yourself.
No way,there FINE.
Stick Figures - 1994 was released on: USA: January 1994 (Boston Gay and Lesbian Film Festival)
Not necessarily! Stick figures are crude, but not necessarily bad drawing. They get the job done when trying to explain something.
There are many board games in which one might use stick figures in their drawings. Examples of board games where one might use stick figures in their drawings include Cranium and Who? What? Where?, a drawing game.
because he was a champion stick fighter