That also happened to me. But the reason why is because either you accidentally entered the stats wrong or you accidentally EV trained your Pokemon when you were battling with it. When you're simply raising Pokemon, they could get EV's by accident. Since EV's are invisible, you can't determine why this happened. And the IV Calculators require you to enter in EV's so it can calculate the average IV's. For help on EV's, try this searching this on Google:
"What are EV's?"
Each Pokemon has different max stats. Each individual typhlosion has a different level of maximum stats, so it is impossible to say what the typhlosion's max stats are. There is about a 1 in 20,000 chance that two of the same kind of Pokemon will have the same maximum stats, so it is impossible to say. It's max stats depend on it's nature.
Are you sleeping? its impossible to say yes
It is impossible to say because there is always another sonic game.
Don't listen to the people who say it's impossible. If you bought it in the shape of a cube, obviously it's not impossible. To put it together you have to really think. Try many different way. Good Luck!
I can say that it is impossible, even with action replay, to capture your opponents Pokemon in any way!!!
To say 'I have some calculators' in Spanish, you would say 'Tengo unas calculadoras.'
Each Pokemon has different max stats. Each individual typhlosion has a different level of maximum stats, so it is impossible to say what the typhlosion's max stats are. There is about a 1 in 20,000 chance that two of the same kind of Pokemon will have the same maximum stats, so it is impossible to say. It's max stats depend on it's nature.
Because it is impossible to find out how many lots of nothing (zero) you can fit into a given number. Some people think that the answer is infinity, however all calculators will say there is an error
In this day and age I would have to say yes, reverse mortgage calculators are accurate. Technology has come a long way. Where calculators use to take up an entire room,now they fit in your hand.
you can't cause no calculators have the letter r
c'est impossible
Are you sleeping? its impossible to say yes
Texas Instruments. which is the company that makes the calculators that say T.I.
The question does not say how many cards are drawn and so it is impossible to answer.The question does not say how many cards are drawn and so it is impossible to answer.The question does not say how many cards are drawn and so it is impossible to answer.The question does not say how many cards are drawn and so it is impossible to answer.
It should be: Yes, it is impossible. but, yes.
l'emploi du temps est impossible, le programme est impossible