Mario games are very fun. Mario games are known everywhere because they are great games that people love.
I do not think so. I think the Mario series is exclusively for Nintendo.
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games in London. Probably. I am not so sure just yet.
Mario games are not on sony(playstation) game their games are on Nintendo. and Pokemons are a Nintendo's games too
Mario is definitely more famous than Luigi, considering that Mario is one of the most iconic video game character of all time
wii mario power tenis
Well the mario games are the most popular in japan so i would say mario
Mario is definitely more famous. the explanation lies in the fact that Mario is a classic game. So naturally, kids back then (when the game had been created) are now adults and even kids now play Mario and they know the game very well. So, mario is not only famous among the adults of today who used to play the game as kids but also today's kids. But Usain Bolt is an athlete and kids generally don't fancy such real-life sports. They prefer digital games or video games. So, Mario is definitely more famous than Usain Bolt.
Originally (in our world) the Mario Bros. became famous by word mouth from people playing the arcade game, Mario Bros. in 1983. Then in 1985 Nintendo made Super Mario Bros. for the NES changing the world of video games for ever , and creating a foundation for for many games that would soon follow. Since the debut of the NES and the Game Boy, Mario and Luigi have become famous mainly from games on Nintendo home console and handheld systems.
Mario, definitely, he has been around way longer and as far as I know, everyone loves him. People have made so many games with him in it. There five at most Iron Man games. I bet there's hundreds of Mario games out there. Hope I helped! :)
Mario is a classic so its obviouse mario wins
Since G I Joe is a bit older and considering that Mario has many more games i would have to say that Mario is more famous then G I Joe.
Both things are very famous and hard to compare. ACDC was created in 1972 and is still being heard by countless fans. Mario was first seen in Donkey Kong in 1982. Mario has been seen in over 200 games and is still creating games that are great. They are both famous in two different categories but for me, I would say that Mario will be more famous.
Mario, Scooby-Doo is a dead character. Mario, however, is still in games, also, i bet you at least hum the Mario them song in the shower, or on long car trips. You just don't see people humming Scooby-Doo so, yeah, Mario is quite a bit more famous than Scooby.
She is famous for being an expert of Clubpenguin, Most of Facebook's games, Plants vs. Zombies, Panfu, Poptropica, Neopets, Pixiehollow, Miniclip, Mario games, Simulator games and Mario games. She is inactive for some while now, but she promises to come back soon. She is first famous because of her site about Clubpenguin,
Most likely not. Sonic will definitely have a lot of games, but the Mario series comes out so often and is so popular and demanded, so the Mario series will have more games in my opinion. I think sonic has more games...But Mario is more popular cause people like the games more.
I am going to say Mario, because children often either hear, or play his games, while you aren't supposed to see Bart Simpson until age 13. So you are more likely to know Mario more.
Mario as he's known on many games throughout the world while eminem is mainly just to Europe and America.