Heatherblaze's Opinion: I would say, Ezio. Because Ezio, has a gun, which, you can aim, fire, and hit. Altair falls over, dead. Ezio is more advanced from more bloodlines of assassins, so there is another advantage. Well, I just proved my point.
It can be assumed that Ezio would be able to beat Altair. Altair was raised to be an Assassin from birth, but Ezio has better equipment like the hidden gun and uses a fresher, faster fighting style. Ezio would most likely win.
Sonic would win the fight, but sora would put in one hell of a fight.
master chief would probably win but homer will usea dirty move or win off a distraction
Whoever has the higher power level. Vegeta would win with ease, even in his normal form.
Yes he would.
In a poker showdown between two pairs, the hand with the higher pair would win.
Totally, Altair's specialty is being sneaky and nobody noticing him, as Ezio is good for large brawls against multiple guards. If Altair and Ezio were put in an arena to fight eachother, Altair could not hide and would not have the element of surprise. With Ezio's superior brawling skills, he would win.
Altair would win. Ezio is good. He has dual hidden blades and can do a lot of stuff. But in the Assassin's Creed universe, Altair is considered the greatest assassin of all time.
Ezio. More modern weaponry (dual hidden blades, a pistol, a crossbow, etc), and he was more agile. Altair is outclassed in every category.
Altair Big time because he made the gun, hidden blade, even his own sword and if they fought and Altair used his designs he would DESTROY Ezio because if he tries to strike at Ezio and he misses then he could shoot him also because without him Ezio would get fried by the final boss on Assassin's Creed 2 because without the gun and hidden blade he would have to fight him with just a sword, his hands and his smokebombs. So Altair by far!
Altair all the way, Altair was trained since birth and his father and so on where assassin's as well, so it runs through his blood, Ezio didn't start when he was 17 he just put on the Assassin Robes when he was 17 he didn't start til he was at least 20 when he left ference, and he didn't become a master Assassin til her was 30 Altair was a master assassin before AC1 even happened and the difference is Altair lived to age 95 without Ezio's "doctors" Ezio lived til age 65, and all the gadgets Ezio has Altair invented after finding the apple of eden. and during AC1 Altair wasn't apost to get touched once, Ezio got harmed in almost every mission. so if Ezio is so skilled when he is 40 in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.. i can only imagine what Altair would of been like even after he invented "the double blades, the gun, posion. And Ezio started as a nobleman he has feelings and will show mercy, Altair was trained to kill. if he has to kill someone he'ill damn right do it without a care.
batman would.
assassin's have given training of assasinated and good in martiel arts but notbetter than ninjas , even assasins wons they use their power then assasins brother hood get damaged and altair or ezio used apple then they use to kill easyly assasins will win
If you like Pokemon then Arceus would lose if you like Assassin's Creed Arceus would lose Because Ezio would blow Arceus's head of this would be the noise BOOM BOOM Get a life! ____________________________________________________________ EDIT: You can't compare fantasy to reality, but if you could im pretty sure fantasy would win, even in this case.
master chief because he has guns...that just pretty much sums it up.
As far as I know you cannot. But you do get to play as Altair once in the game. You do get "The Armor of Altair" at the end but that isn't anything like the one in the first. It is just Ezio's outfit he had throughout the game reskinned and a little bit remodeled. Edit: I have recently discovered that if you connect with uplay (E on the PC or triangle on the PS3) at the menu screen of Assassin's Creed II then once you go in there, go to the WIN section and you can download Altair's Outfit (which is exactly like the Assassin's Creed I Altair armor from the first). You must have a Uplay account and some uplay points for this to work. I'm not sure if it works with Xbox though.
i would win