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in the death battle of mario vs sonic sonic won by a spin dash to the back.

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Q: Who won in a battle of sonic and Mario?
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Who will win in a battle Mario or sonic?


Can sonic beat Mario in a battle?

In my opinion, Mario would win easily. In my opinion, yes. Sonic would win.

Who won sonic vs Mario London 2012?

no one since you control it.

Who is super Mario's worst enemy?

Bowser They always battle it out in the games *not including mario bros 2* and if anyone says Sonic you sir/lady are wrong because mario and sonic are just friendly rivals

What are opinions on how Mario games compare to Sonic games?

Polls are usually split 50/50 on the matter. Sonic won MSN's poll and the Golden Joystick award for best video game hero, while Mario won Oricon's Japanese poll for favorite game hero. I prefer Sonic myself.

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Mario has superior strength in comparison to Sonic however Sonic is faster than Mario.

Was sonic only created to rival Mario for sega to rival Nintendo?

No, Sonic wasn't only created to rival mario, well, about 2 years before that. Sonic was created in his first game, just to destroy robots and collect Chaos Emeralds. Mario was created in his first game, just to kill Gombaas, Koopas and circle-headed gombaas. And defeat Bowser and rescue Princess Peach too.SEGA and Nintendo made 'Mario & Sonic at the Olympics' series together.Years before that, Sonic and Mario were mortal enimies, If Super Sonic competed Fire Mario for a battle, Super Sonic would easily win by jumping on Mario, burning Mario himself out.

What is sonic and Mario fusion?

Mario and sonic fusion is sarioc

How many games has shadow the hedgehog been in?

21 games Sonic Adventure 2 Sonic Adventure 2 battle Sonic Heroes Sonic battle Sonic Chronciles Shadow the Hedgehog Sonic 06 Sonic Rivals 1 and 2 Sonic and the Blak Night Mario and sonic at the olympic games Mario and sonic at the olympic winter games sonic colors(DS version only) sonic generations(only hinted,not 100 percent comfirmed) sonic and the secret rings(only in multiplayer) sonic pinball party sega all-star tennis sonic and sega all-star racing sonic riders sonic riders zero gravity sonic free riders

Do you like Sonic or Mario?

Sonic because he was made first and Mario is trying to copy him... Sonic > Mario, in a lot of peoples minds.

What Mario or sonic games or movies are currently out?

Sonic Generations, Mario and Sonic at the Olimpic games, Sonic and the Black Knight

Who is more famous Mario or Sonic the Hedgehog?

sonic the hedgehog