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In Egyptian mythology, the goddess Maat wore a feather of truth on her head. This feather of truth was a symbol of justice, as she was the goddess of justice and morality.

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Q: Who wears the feather of truth on their head?
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What is the feather of truth test?

In ancient Egypt , when somebody died they went to the underworld after being turned into a mummy in the real world. In the underworld, the person's heart is weighed against an ostrich feather (from the god maat who wears it on her head) and if they are even then you will go to heaven, but if the heart is heavier then the heart will be eaten by the great swallower.

Who was the Egyptian god gave judgment?

There are multiple gods who take part in the judgment, but the most significant role is the feather of Ma'at. Ma'at is the goddess of truth and justice, same as the ostrich feather she wears on her head. Her feather is weighed against the heart of a deceased person and if the heart's weight is equal to the feather, the deceased person can live with Osiris in his paradise. If not, the heart was fed to Ammit (a female demon with a body that is part lion, hippopotamus and crocodile), and the soul of the person would forever be restless and would not be allowed to join Osiris.

Who is the person whose feather is measured to a egypytians heart in Osiris court?

not a person. It's the feather of truth

When was ma'at famous?

Ma'at is an Egyptian goddess. She is goddess of truth, balance and order. She was like the symbol of justice, as the feather she wears in her hair is used in the afterlife judgement. So I guess you could say she was famous in ancient Egyptian times.

What type of feather was on ma'at's head the Egyptian gods heads?

Maat's symbol which is often depicted on top of her head is an ostrich feather.

What does r-truth wear when he's wrestling?

He wears his jeans.

What is the name of leaf on Greek god's head?

Apollo wears a wreath of laurels, Dionysus wears wine leaves on his head.

What is the symbol that maat the ancient Egyptian goddess is associated with?

Ma'at is most commonly associated with, and often symbolized by a feather, specifically the Feather of Truth

Finding a long very thin white feather on your computer?

both white and the feather often symbolize truth. white is a kin to purity and therefor truth and the feather blows away with just a puff of the wind, the idea is that truth is just as fleeting and easily frightened as a feather in the wind. which brings us to another idea the feather may represent and that is the freedom of humans to move between worlds. That representation is namely from wicca but the other two have many suggestions and ties to their meanings in many cultures throughout history.

What was the heart supposedly weighed against to determine if it entered the afterlife?

The feather of truth

What type of feather does Bella Thorne wear in her hair?

she wears a fat black and white striped one:)

What is the predicate in this sentence Davy wears a coonskin cap on his head?

on his head