yes in sims 2 castaway beards will grow on male characters unless you have a sewing kit that can cut your beard and normal hair which will also grow through out your playing time
There's no game sims castaway, just sims casaway 2.
no you can not have a baby on the sims 2 castaway on ds or ps2 or psp only on sims castaway stories for PC
NO the sims castaway people cant have children on the wii. You can have children on the Sims 2 Castaway for pc.
dar no sim castway
no, of course not you perv.
Who was the male star for movie grease
yes in sims 2 castaway beards will grow on male characters unless you have a sewing kit that can cut your beard and normal hair which will also grow through out your playing time
The male star of the movie Australia was Hugh Jackman.
Jeffree Star is a male.
Tom Hanks portrayed a castaway in the movie, "Castaway". The sole castaway on an island must fish to survive. Movies about shipwrecks in the 1700 and 1800s often depicted someone as a survivor or castaway.
who was the male star of the 1980 british film, "The Long Good Friday"
No, there are no pirates in sims castaway.
One of your palyers in Sims 2 CastawaY.
One of your palyers in Sims 2 CastawaY.
The Castaway Cowboy was created in 1974.
Castaway - book - was created in 1983.