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burgess merideth appeared as the penguin in the 60s on batman

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Q: Who was the first actor to play the penguin?
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Where is the actor Socorro Stephen from the movie Claudine?

The answer is to play Club Penguin

What was the first Club Penguin play?

Space adventure was the first club penguin play

Who was the first actor to play Doctor Who?

William Hartnell was the first actor to play Doctor Who, portraying the character from 1963 to 1966.

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Scottish actor Brian Cox was the first actor to play Hannibal Lecter onscreen in Michael Mann's 1986 thriller "Manhunter."

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Sean Connery was the first actor to play Bond in the official franchise of Bond films.

What was the first play in Club Penguin?

space adventure

Who was the first actor to play Dracula in a talking movie?

Bela Lugosi in Dracula (1931) Although Max Schreck was the first actor to play Dracula in Nosferatu (1922)

Who was the 1st actor to play Doctor Who?

William Hartnell was the first actor to play the Doctor in the TV series "Doctor Who," starting from 1963.

Which actor was the first to play Romeo?

As a play the first actor to ever play Romeo was Richard Burbage around 1595. As for movies: 1908- Godfrey Tearle 1964- Leonard Whiting 1996- Leonardo DiCaprio

Who was the first actor to play wolf man.?

Lon Chaney

Who was the first actor to play the role of Doctor Kildare?

Actor Joel McCrea was the first one to play Doctor Kildare in the 1937 film titled Interns Can't Take Money.

How do you become a actor on club penguin?

Just get your friends together, design a play, then go to the stage to perform. You won't get any coins though.