The Pokemon that use a dusk stone to evolve are Murkrow and Misdreavus.
in pearl you use the dusk stone on misdreavus and in diamond you use the dusk stone on murcrow in pearl you use the dusk stone on misdreavus and in diamond you use the dusk stone on murcrow
the only Pokemon that evolve with a dusk stone is... (answer is on bottom) murkrow---dusk stone---honchkrow misdreavus---dusk stone---mismagius and also in unova lampent---dusk stone---chandelure
A Dusk Stone is an evolutionary stone that evolves Murkrow and Misdreavus.
dawn stone: misdreavus dusk stone: i dunno
you can find a dusk stone in the ruins of alpha
In Pokemon pearl, misdreveaus evolves into mismagius with a dusk stone. In diamond, murkrow evolves into honchkrow with a dusk stone.
murkrow &misdreveaus
in pearl you use the dusk stone on misdreavus and in diamond you use the dusk stone on murcrow in pearl you use the dusk stone on misdreavus and in diamond you use the dusk stone on murcrow
the only Pokemon that evolve with a dusk stone is... (answer is on bottom) murkrow---dusk stone---honchkrow misdreavus---dusk stone---mismagius and also in unova lampent---dusk stone---chandelure
Anyone who wants to know anything about Pokemon is a geek.
A Dusk Stone is an evolutionary stone that evolves Murkrow and Misdreavus.
Murkrow <----Dusk Stone----> Honchkrow Misdreavus <----Dusk Stone----> Mismagius
you can find a dusk stone some where in team galactic HQ one of the poke balls is a dusk stone
dawn stone: misdreavus dusk stone: i dunno
find a dusk stone in Pokemon diamond or pearl and it evolves to mismagius you can't evolve it in firered, leafgreen, ruby, sapphire, gold and silver but evolves in diamond and pearl by a dusk stone
you get the dusk stone at the team galacitic's headquaters in veilstone city
technically murkrow evolves at any level if u want him to evolve fast use a dusk stone