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Q: Who used a Turkish slipper as a tobacco pouch?
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What is the name of the Turkish tobacco pipe with a long stem and a clay bowl?

Popularly called a hookah in English, the pipe has many names depending on the language used. It originated in India and spread throughout the Arab world. Nargile is the Turkish term, but English-speaking Turkish people and those from other countries where the pipe has become part of the culture do routinely refer to the hookah. Both terms can be considered correct in English.

How do you get a small pouch on RuneScape?

Your 1st small pouch, can be obtained from Mage of Zamorak when you do a mini quest for him to unlock the abyssal dungeon used for quick runecrafting, a small pouch is also your reward, if you lose that one... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...Option 2, kill Abyssals for pouches, they tend to drop small, medium, large and giant pouches, bare in mind they all req. diff RC levels to use.

Instruments that begin with the letter z?

A few instruments that start with Z: * Zhonghu- a traditional Chinese low-pitched string instrument. * The Zither- a stringed folk instrument. * Zil- Tiny Turkish cymbals used in Belly Dancing.

Where do you get a mort myre pear on RuneScape?

A Mort myre pear is obtained during or after the Nature Spirit quest. It appears when a silver sickle or Ivandis flail is operated near certain dead bushes in the Mort Myre swamp. Sickle option: "Pick golden pear bush." It can be used to fill a Druid pouch by 3.

What does the utility do on Halo Reach?

the utility pouch/ bag that sits on the left leg of the spartan is specifically used for show. When purchasing the first utulity for 30-40 thousand i think, 4-5 new ones become available for purchase, again all for show. i think its just for the long run, something to spend credits on when your a higher level, and have the spare CR. Anymore questions about halo, halo2, halo3, or reach add me my GT is KSI xDeCePtIoNx quantumdan thinks it makes your shields and health go back 2 normal quicker

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What is an adjective for slipper?

Not slippery, if that's what you're asking. Some words that could be used include slipper-like, calceolate, and calceiform.

What is tobacco used in?

Tobacco is used in cigarettes.

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What was used to symbolize the agreement between Boaz and the realtive?

A slipper

What was tobacco used for?

Tobacco is used to make cigarettes

What is tobacco use for?

I believe that chewing tobacco and smoking tobacco is used for as some people express that it calms then down or relieves stress. It can also cause addiction though, which is bad. Answer2: Snuff is a powdered tobacco, usually sold in cans or pouches. Often, users place it inside the lower lip or cheek. Chewing tobacco is sold in long strands, usually in a pouch. As the name suggests, it is chewed, not sucked. Tobacco leaves, abused by smokers, can also be used in making disinfectants and insecticides. Regarding many of earth's resources, much is yet to be learned as to how they can be beneficially employed.

What money do they use in Turkey?

The Turkish Lira is used in Istanbul and in Turkey.

What does pantoufle mean?

It's French for "slipper," but it can also be used to mean a "homebody."

What is the name of the Turkish tobacco pipe with a long stem and a clay bowl?

Popularly called a hookah in English, the pipe has many names depending on the language used. It originated in India and spread throughout the Arab world. Nargile is the Turkish term, but English-speaking Turkish people and those from other countries where the pipe has become part of the culture do routinely refer to the hookah. Both terms can be considered correct in English.

What is a pouch used for?

to carry baby animals

What is a pelicans pouch used for?

they use their pouch to hold fish in it. like in many cartoons pelicans use their pouch for holding things such as rocks,books,tools,etc.