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Anyone who owns shares (stocks) of LucasArts.

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Q: Who owns lucasArts?
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Related questions

What is the population of LucasArts?

LucasArts's population is 350.

When was LucasArts created?

LucasArts was created in 1982-05.

When did LucasArts Archives happen?

LucasArts Archives happened in 1995.

When was LucasArts Archives created?

LucasArts Archives was created in 1995.

What is the ticker symbol for LucasArts?

There is no ticker symbol because LucasArts is privately owned.

What is the lucasarts address?

Their Address is, LucasArts P.O. Box 29908 San Francisco CA 94129-0908

Who owns lucas art films?

First, there is no such thing as Lucas Art Films, LucasFilm is what you're thinking of and LucasArts makes video games and such. LucasFilm is of course owned by George Lucas.

How many movies has lucasarts made?

None. Lucasarts is the video game company not the film one the film company is lucasfilms.

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