Playstation makes more money
Playstation 3 Sold at a loss for the first couple of years but they also have the PS2 which has sold 150 million units and the PSP and they have the PS3 which has sales near the Xbox 360 total in a year's less time since it was released in 2006 and Xbox 360 released in 2005. PS3s are sold at close to cost and like Xbox 360 they make there money on games and add ons.
In the USA the Xbox 360 might make more money than the PS3 because of the large number of USA sales of the Xbox 360.
ps3 has better graphics than xbox
the xbox 360 sold over 8 million more. I personally prefer this. The PS3 has sold 48 million plus and the Xbox 360 has sold 50 Million. The PS3 has been selling more since the prices for them dropped and that is why they were once 8 million behind. PS3 has forecast passing Xbox 360 in total sales during 2012
No. That is never going to happen. 343 industries, the company that programs and makes Halo now are a division of Microsoft, who makes Xbox, so it will not come to PS3.
Do you mean which company makes more money Microsoft or Sony. Companies do not break down there profits in a way that you could determine whether the PS3 and all it's games add ons and accessories make more money for Sony that the Xbox 360 and it's revenue from games consoles add ons accessories and Xbox Live membership. While both Sony and Microsoft have sold close to the same number of consoles ( over 50 Million) the Xbox 360 has a cheaper model from almost the beginning so that Sony must have higher total dollar sales, but they sold at a huge loss for the first couple of years
You're wrong. The PS3 has over 60 million online accounts, while the Xbox is looking at I believe 30-40 million. The PS3 has double the users of Xbox and Wii.
xbox fam
$100 dollars more... xbox 360 4gb- $199 ps3- $299 but you could also buy the xbox 360 250gb that's $299 dollars
PS3 does have free internet but Xbox does have the more on MW3
not directly, but you can sell the PS3 and use the money for an Xbox. not sure why you'd switch though.
No. Microsoft makes the xbox 360 and sony makes the PS3. The PS3 has a bluejay drive and the 360 does not. PS4 is better spec wise but the 360 has a better community.
you can trade in an xbox and use the money you get to get money off a ps3
ps3 has free internet xbox has better games
Sony makes PlayStation 3 Microsoft makes Xbox 360
The question you should ask is which company made the most money out of there console products. The question is, well, Xbox 360 was (and still is) the best selling console. The PS3 when release had less than half of the sells which xbox did because of the price difference. However, Sony decreased the price on the PS3 and more people bought it. I believe that the Xbox is still the best selling console but the PS3 isnt far away.
xbox has more games than ps3
The PS3 but many people will find the the TV capability makes more of a difference for either console and definitively can cost more than the console.