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The pikachu was made of professor oak and ash not in cartoon but in game. Yeaa i have this picachu and his color is red and his attack is 689 the defence 765

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Q: Who made Pikachu?
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Who is more famous Pikachu or Mario?

Mario considering he was made before Pokemon and Pikachu. .

Why is Pikachu the most famous Pokemon?

Because it was the first Pokemon EVER MADE! acually the pokedex says that pikachu is the 25 Pokemon pikachu is ash's first Pokemon

Before ash got pikachu was it a pichu?

Maybe he was still a Pikachu because Pichu didn't not exist when the anime was made. The videogames "Gold and Silver" were not made until in 1999.

What year is five style fist made in?

Water, pikachu

Who was the first Pokemon made?

The first Pokemon that was made was Rhydon, not Bulbasaur or Pikachu, which is a common mistake.

How do you get Pikachu in real ssf2?

can't has to be made No UNLOCKABLE the real one is kept from playing or downloading Because they havnt made it play SSF2 www.mcleodgaming .com download is safe but NO pikachu but in SSF1 their is :( Sorry when it comes out please improve ansewer to update anyone can inprove ansewer PIKACHU is cute!

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Pikachu's name is Pikachu.

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specifically made for pikachu to hold

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How many ultra rare pikachu cards were made?

i don't know but i have one of them

What is the Pikachu c gear code?

PikachuCGear. i found it out after the day they made the password

Why do some Pikachu cards say Pikachu is a basic Pokemon but he is not so why do they say it?

Because some of the Pokemon cards/ Pikachu cards won't put that Pichu is the evolved form of Pikachu. The Pokemon cards that have Pikachu on them are mostly old and Pichu wasn't made back in the Kanto or Johto Region. If you have a Raichu card look at the card and you'll see a picture of Pikachu then you'll know what I mean.