Elizabeth Bogush
The word that ends with "ish" and means to go out of sight is "vanish." The suffix "-ish" in this context implies a partial or incomplete action, so "vanish" suggests a gradual or sudden disappearance from view. The word is commonly used to describe something or someone disappearing suddenly or mysteriously.
he secretly sneaks out the house
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No one can make a plate of homemade cookies vanish as quickly as my three hungry boys after school. My Aunt, who is a beautiful woman, is forever buying the latest cream, lotion or potion that claims to make wrinkles vanish. She's georgeous with or without creams or make-up.
Claire Forlani
Elizabeth Bogush
Man for Woman (a man seeking a woman)
There is no way to tell who exactly one woman is in a specific Home Depot ad. There are many women who appear in Home Depot ads.
The future tense of "vanish" is "will vanish."
Woman for Man (an adult woman seeking a man)
holly hunter
Slutty Black Woman
Morgan Smith
Vanish is present tense. The past tense is vanished.
Sophia Loren