from any monster you can get a treasure chest but it is hard to get from:matthijs schmidt
Find the the map symbol on the right side of your screen when you are in your room. Below that map symbol is a treasure chest. The treasure chest is your inventory. Click on the treasure chest to open it and access your inventory.
well there is a treasure chest at the bottom of your house and buy stuff from the shops on moshi monsters and then when you've got something from the shops and then go home on moshi monsters and then clikon the treasure chest at the bottom of your house and then the stuff you bort will be in your treasure chest
The Crossroads are the place where you battle 2-16 monsters depending on your level and you might get a rare treasure chest or a different treasure chest containing gold.
a treasure chest tatoo
because its treasure no du
Yes, there is actually and my favorite book is on there it is called the tale of the dragons chest its about this dragon who loses its treasure chest by breathing a big flame and the dragon tries to get the chest back and the tale is really sad but yes there is a book called a tale of tales.
There is no gold treasure chest in that game.
the treasure chest pin is nowere
There is no treasure chest on Astro Knights Island.
We need to know which treasure chest.
from any monster you can get a treasure chest but it is hard to get from:matthijs schmidt
The Benny Goodman Treasure Chest was created in 1959.
Fake treasure.