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I'll be honest, the oldest person I know who plays webkinz is me. None of the kids in my grade 7 class play it, but I'm a fanatic. :-)

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Q: Who is the oldest person you know who plays webkinz?
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What person created Webkinz?

Ganz createdWebkinz . No one know's for sure who Ganz is.

What is noah cyrus's secret code for webkinz?

"Noah Cyrus" is not a Webkinz so he won't have a secret code. Also, we don't know whether or not he even plays Webkinz and if he did, he probably wouldn't want children taking his account.

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you are the most awesome person on earth. you pwn, you know that?

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Chias are the oldest Neopets that users can still adopt. As far as an actual person's pet, I do not know.

How do you know if I am banned from the webkinz clubhouse?

No one will know if you are banned but yourself and Ganz. If you meant How do I know if I'm banned from the Webkinz Clubhouse, then they would have told you.~Webkinz User

Is there going to be a Yellow Bear Webkinz?

No, Sorry I know the Person who created webkinz and well she said she might make a golden bear but not yellow. the golden bear will be A estore pet though :'(

Are there any good sites on the internet to find plays?

i dont know about actual plays with real people but on there are alot of good animations. and some with people acting out webkinz or LPS.

How many moms and dads are playing webkinz?

I think more than you might imagine. count me as one. let me know if you are a parent who plays.

When is the white poodle going to be pet of the month on webkinz?

I don't know and the person who wrote the answer before you're RUDE!!! :-(

Is there a certain person that created Webkinz?

no i don't know but i want one tell me a password now please 2009

Are Webkinz still trendy?

Yes, Webkinz is OUT! It went from huge to nothing. I don't know one person that has one anymore when a few years ago everyone had at least 3.

How can you know your secret code on webkinz?

It is located inside of your Webkinz Tag.