The leader in Cerulean City is Misty, the water-type master. You find her outside Bill's Summer Cottage on the ledge.
In the Cerulean Gym
Misty was a gym leader since before the Pokemon series time period began. However, it was not revealed she was a gym leader until Episode 007: "Water Flowers of Cerulean City"
When he went to fight the Cerulean City gym leader, her 3 sisters were going to give him the badge without fighting, so she stepped up to uphold the honor of the gym.
Cerulean city
If you mean Misty in Cerulean, you have to go along route 25 north of cerulean to the end of the route and she will return to her gym.
in the GYM .
The next gym leader is Misty in Cerulean city
First you need to return the machine part to the power plant then find the gym leader on route 25 which is northeast from cerulean city.
Misty is the gym leader of Cerulean City.
In Cerulean City
Gym 2 is Cerulean City, and the Gym Leader is Misty ("The Waterflowers of Cerulean City" is the Pokemon episode with Misty and her three sisters). To get to Cerulean City, you need to go through Mount Moon.
Misty is to the north of Cerulean, at the end of route 25.
She had to take over as the gym leader of Cerulean city.
Easy. Misty lives in Cerulean City, May lives in Petalburg.
After fixing the Power Plant, go to the Cerulean Cape, which is NorthEast of Cerulean City
at the top of Cerulean Cape with her boyfriend.
In the Cerulean Gym