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Latias and Latios are the fastest Dragon-type Pokemon, with a base speed of 180.

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What is a dragon Pokemon weakend too?

Dragon type Pokemon are weak to dragon type and ice type attacks.

What beats a dragon Pokemon?

Steel-type and Dragon-type moves are supper effective on dragon-type Pokemon :)

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Dragon type moves are only super effective against Dragon type Pokemon.

What are dragon Pokemon weak against?

Dragon type Pokemon are weak against Ice, Dragon, and Fairy type moves.

How do you get any dragon type in Pokemon Silver?

Dragon type Pokemon can be found in the Dragon's Den in Johto.

What is dragon type super affective against in Pokemon?

Dragon-type moves are super effective against Dragon-type Pokemon.

What is the weakness to dragon Pokemon?

Dragon type moves are only strong against dragon type Pokemon.

What are dragon type moves strong against?

Dragon type moves are only super-effective against other dragon Pokemon. However, if the dragon type move is on a dragon-type Pokemon, the move will do substantial damage to many different Pokemon. This is because, dragon-type Pokemon usually have outstanding stats which make them stronger than other Pokemon.