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Q: Who is the best character in dota all-stars?
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Who is best DOTA character?

its Razzil

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For me it could be Alchemist or Medusa

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Who is the father dota?

2003- "Eul" developed the first version of Defense of the Ancients. When Frozen Throne came out Eul did not make any updates and so Steve Feak "Guinsoo" took the lead and remade the scenario into DotA-Allstars. Steve "Pendragon" Mesco created the DotA-Allstars website. After version 6.01 Guinsoo handed Icefrog the controls and backed out.

When was DOTA all-stars released?

The most popular Version of Defense of the Ancients call DotA Allstars was develeoped by several authors and released in 2005 by the anonymous developer "IceFrog"

Can you download installers of dota all-stars in the internet?

You can't download an installer of dota, but you can download the maps and put them in the respective folder in your warcraft III game folder. Dota allstars officia website:

What is dota allstars?

A custon map of the game warcraft 3 tft,in the game you have to chose one hero and fight for the sentinels or the scourge.

Where can you find a unprotected version of the most recent DotA all-stars version?

Two sites have very good info on unprotection and both have downloadable versions of DotA Allstars that are unprotected/deprotected: DeprotectDotA and Open DotA

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