He is the person standing near the mueseum on the outside. The curator is on the inside.
It is at the north end of the city at the right of the Art Hall.
Lilycove City Warp Gameshark Code: EF6C4684 7B994DBB
where can you find the lottery in lilycove city in Pokemon emeraldso easy go to the right of the lilycove city in 1st floor of the department store you will see the the lotterywhere can you find the lottery in lilycove city in Pokemon emeraldso easy go to the right of the lilycove city in 1st floor of the department store you will see the the lottery
From lilycove city if you go east you can reach mossdeep city.
You use a super rod in lilycove city.
In the Lilycove City, if 5 paintings of your Pokemon who won the contest are exhibited to the Art Gallery's second floor, the Curator will give you a Statue of a Legendary Pokemon... But about the Art Dealer outside, I still don't know what to do with him...
The art muesum is located at Lilycove City, at the top left.
Win a master rank Pokemon contest
It is at the north end of the city at the right of the Art Hall.
An art dealer is a person who buys and sells paintings and/or sculptures.
Paul Rosenberg - art dealer - was born in 1881.
Paul Rosenberg - art dealer - died in 1959.
He worked as a shop assistant at an art dealer's.
Theo van Gogh - art dealer - was born on 1857-05-01.
Vincent'sbrother Theo was an art dealer and the one who tried to sell Vincent's paintings. Usually in vain.
architect,art critic,art dealer,