I believe it is Teen Gohan, for he is a sayain and also he has gone through much training with people stronger than Krillin like Piccolo and Goku.
At the start of Dragon Ball Z Krillin was stronger but on Planet Namek Gohan became stronger.
depends are you talking about normal because if you are they are the same but krillin with unlocked potentiol vs. angry gohan: gohan would win every tme, but let me ask you this how many times has gohan died compared to krillin
which adult gohan are you talk about around great saiyanman saga? teen gohan stronger than adult gohan about twice but if you talk about adult gohan (mystic) adult gohan will kick teen gohan butt very easy
Goku (End, Mid and Early), Krillin, Gohan (Kid, Teen,Ultimate, Adult and Future) and so on...
Mystic Gohan (big) is a bit better than Super Saiyan 2 (teen) Gohan.
At the start of Dragon Ball Z Krillin was stronger but on Planet Namek Gohan became stronger.
depends are you talking about normal because if you are they are the same but krillin with unlocked potentiol vs. angry gohan: gohan would win every tme, but let me ask you this how many times has gohan died compared to krillin
which adult gohan are you talk about around great saiyanman saga? teen gohan stronger than adult gohan about twice but if you talk about adult gohan (mystic) adult gohan will kick teen gohan butt very easy
Krillin is older it was explained in Dragonball while they trained with Master Roshi. Krillin is either 1 or 2 years older
No, ssj4 is far stronger
Of course.
Dabura is slightly stronger than ssj2 adult gohan. All we know that is teen ssj2 gohan is stronger than ssj2 gohan adult when he was a teenager power level =45 adult gohan ssj2 =40 dabura= 41.8 I think that dabura is slightly stronger than ssj2 gohan adult, but I also think that mystic gohan power level is slightly stronger than teen ssj2 gohan. I see his power level 48.5. Dabura is only stronger than gohan ssj2 ,1 and base in adult than I think that ssj2 teen gohan and mysic gohan are strongest forms of him and dabura is slightly stronger than ssj2 adult gohan.
definatly krillin
Goku (End, Mid and Early), Krillin, Gohan (Kid, Teen,Ultimate, Adult and Future) and so on...
Mystic Gohan is stronger than SSJ2 Gohan.
Teen Gohan liked Videl.
not relly but because the opponents get stronger and he stops training he becomes much weaker than everone else like he was les stronger as an audult than teen