While Glaceon ups Leafeon in battle by type advantage, according to their stats, Leafeon is much stronger. It's also above Glaceon in the battle tiers used for official competitions.
There are eight. Vaporeon, Leafeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Umbreon, Espeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon
To get leafeon, you level up eevee near the green rock in the eternia forest. To get glaceon you level up eevee near the rock on route 217 near snowpoint city.
To get both leafeon and glaceon in Pokemon soul silver or heart gold you have to trade it from diamond pearl or platinum.
You don't, they're Diamond/Pearl/Platinum only.
No, Leafeon an Glaceon DO NOT EXIST on GBA Pokemon games. No amount of cheating with AR/GS will get you these Pokemon on GBA.
No. In order to get a glaceon or leafeon in soul silver you have to trade your evee to diamond, pearl, or platinum and evolve them in their appropriate locations
Glaceon: To get Glaceon you got to have an evee first then go to a route where in snows most likely stand next to a tree that has snow on it give the evee a rare candy and it should evolve to a Glaceon. Leafeon: To get Leafeon you got to have an evee first then go to a forest EX: Eterna forest then stand to a normal tree give the the evee a rare candy and it should evolve to a Leafeon. NO CHEATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
There are eight. Vaporeon, Leafeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Umbreon, Espeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon
find it on a stage or coin launcher
leafeon is much better and stronger because glaceon is the weakest of the eevee evoulutions.
To get leafeon, you level up eevee near the green rock in the eternia forest. To get glaceon you level up eevee near the rock on route 217 near snowpoint city.
The Seven evolutions of Eevee are: Flareon (Fire), Jolteon (Electric), Vaporeon (Water), Espeon (Phsycic), Umbreon (Dark), Leafeon (Only on Diamond Pearl and Platinum/ Enterna Forest Mossy Rock), and Glaceon (Same as Leafeon But on route 216-217/ Smooth Rock). PS: Eevee evolves into Glaceon and Leafeon only around the two rocks.
To get both leafeon and glaceon in Pokemon soul silver or heart gold you have to trade it from diamond pearl or platinum.
Flareon Jolteon Vaporeon Leafeon Umbreon Espeon Glaceon