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Q: Who is stronger Dialga or Arceus?
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Did Arceus give birth to Dialga and Palkia?

Giratina created Dialga and Palkia.But still arceus is a little stronger than Dialga but not than Giratina.

Who is better Dialga or Arceus?


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Arceus is stronger.

What is the best Pokemon on diamond?

It would be Arceus but since Arceus is not available yet in any game, it would have to be Dialga and Palkia.

Is there a cheat that makes Dialga evolve into Arceus in Pokemon diamond?

No, dialga and arceus are two totaly different Pokemon. dialga is the temporal Pokemon and arceus is the alpha Pokemon. In canalve city there is a legend that talks about a swirling tunnel of chaos and one Pokemon egg. The egg was Arceus, and it said from him self he made two others, dialga and palkia. then arceus formed azelf, mespirit, and uxie.

Where is Dialga and Palkia in PokePark Wii?

Dialga, Palkia, Arceus, and giratinaare not in this game

How do you get Dialga in Pokemon SoulSilver?

I think you have to get arceus if you want dialga.If you have arceus go to the ruins of alph and a guy will show you if you dialga,palkia,or giratina.

Who is stonger DialgaPalkiaArceusAzelfUxieMesprit and Arceus?

I'll say Arceus is probably the strongest coz his moves are more powerful plus he's very rare. Then Dialga is the strongest then Palkia then Mesprit then Azelf and then Uxie. Arceus is much more stronger than every Pokemon.

Is Giratina stronger than Mewtwo?

From best to least in strength 1) Mewtwo 2) Arceus 3) Giratina 4) Darkai 5) Dialga 6) Palkia the list goes down from there. no it goes like this [1] lugia [2] dialga [3] rayquaza [4] groudon [5] arceus [6] shymin -flipper10158 No it's like this! 1: Mewtwo 2: Dialga 3: Kyogre 4: Raicko 5: Arceus

Is the Pokemon Arceus a ledenary?

Arceus is a legendary. It created Dialga and Palkia. Arceus is one of the biggest even Darkrai

Who is stronger Dialga or Giratina?


Is Charizard stronger than Arceus?

arceus is stronger than charizard