it is OLIVIA DICKENS i have played the game before, and i did beat it. the guilty party (or criminal or whatever you call it) at the end of the level, "the finale" is Olivia Dickens, AKA the commodore's wife.... i know, pretty weird, and by the way to all people out there who are reading this, not to ruin your fun but you are the ones who came to find the answer.
On 'Disney's Guilty Party', Mr. Valentine is really... Olivia Dickens! (The Commodore's wife)
this is the hardest level
Bayleef evolves at level 32
The fastest and easiest way to level up is to have someone leech you. This is the only good way to level up fast at high levels. You have to be in a party with someone level 120 or up in the final job and just stand near them while they kill enemies and you get party experience. The enemies have to be close to your level. Wizard jobs are best to leech because they have attacks that can hit all enemies on screen. You can also buy a 2x exp card or use rep to temporarily give you 2x exp.
Mudkip's final evolution is Swampert. Mudkip evolves to Marshtomp at level 16, who evolves into Swampert at level 36.
Level 60.
Beacause of the bathing suit scrap, found in the pincer room Frosty
Guilty Party happened in 2010.
Guilty Party was created on 2010-08-31.
A guilty party is the person (or occasionally an animal) who actually committed the misdeed or the crime.
*Here there be spoilers* In the final level, after you destroy Guilty Spark, you and arbitor must escape to the ship with the provided warthog. If the ship is reached the final cutscene is triggered and the game is beaten.
The cast of The Guilty Party - 1993 includes: Allan Gildea as Richard
Incidently, yes you can. He can be in your party, and comes with a special job. However, he is level 1 (regardless of your party's level) and needs to be trained a lot before he is any use.
A culprit is someone who is guilty of a crime, or other misdeed.
The cast of Disney Guilty Party - 2010 includes: Tim Dadabo
On 'Disney's Guilty Party', Mr. Valentine is really... Olivia Dickens! (The Commodore's wife)
Well the jury decides the verdict, guilty or not guilty. Is that what you mean?