Dawn doesn't exactly have a dad in Diamond and Pearl, or at least they don't show or give any information abot him. He usually stays with Prof. Rowan, so he might be a possibility.
in dawns house
Dawns little sister is in Sandgem Town. Dawns house is just below the Pokemon center and the lab. (It's the biggest house there) She'll be inside neer Dawns Grandfather.Dawn's kid sister is in Dawn's house in sandgem city ( the biggest house there).
it leave her to get goo d at ping pong
In the boat shed. But you need to have a level 55 pokemon.
after you get the national dex and beat the elite four
He is in the same place as pearl and diamond versions(Dawns house)
in dawns house
the answer is to get Dawns Pokemon in Pokemon pearl the code is......to have dawns Pokemon for every code you have to put wha you want!!! its sooooo easy!!!
Dawns little sister is in Sandgem Town. Dawns house is just below the Pokemon center and the lab. (It's the biggest house there) She'll be inside neer Dawns Grandfather.Dawn's kid sister is in Dawn's house in sandgem city ( the biggest house there).
ricolu a Pokemon you have probably never heard of as its realy rear
the Pokemon that dawns little sister tells you
swinub into poloswine and then poloswine evolves into mamoswine . that is the Pokemon of dawns .
from a scientist that works for prof.rowan (dawns dad)
when you obtain the national dex
southwest of Pokemon research lab in sandgem-platinum
wait for dawns sister to say where it is after you beat the game