Raikou is best because entei and suicune are fegget
Raikou all the way 2 reasons
He is way cooler then Entei and Suicune.
Number 2 he could whoop Suicune and Entei in a battle So suicune and entei are good but overall raikou is better
Starter:Charmander-Suicune Squirtle-Raikou Bulbasaur-Entei
Entei, Suicune, and Raikou are not available in Pokemon Emerald, Ruby or Sapphire. They can be brought into the game by trading.
you can find them in Pokemon leaf green /fire red after you beat the elite 4 and the champion Charmander - Suicune Squirtle - Raikou Bulbasaur - Entei how do you find them?
Suicune is wandering around Johto after they (Entei, Raikou, and Suicune) runaway from the tower.
You can get lugia, ho oh, entei, suicune and raikou
Starter:Charmander-Suicune Squirtle-Raikou Bulbasaur-Entei
Entai = Fire Suicune = Water Raikou = Electricity
You chase Entei and Raikou across Jhoto and you catch Suicune at the top of Cerulean City.
Entei, Suicune, and Raikou are not available in Pokemon Emerald, Ruby or Sapphire. They can be brought into the game by trading.
try to answer thoughtful
Entei Raikou
You get suicune,raikou,or entei depending on your starter pokemon (charmander = suicune squirtle raikou and bulbasaur entei) and you can get mewtwo in cerulean cave
You can't unless you have joto
Suicune, Raikou, and Entei
raikou suicune and entei.
Lv. 40
Entei, raikou and suicune