1) It is Legendary.
2) It is considered one of the best ice types.
3) An Articuno with Miracle Eye and Sheer Cold is very hard to beat.
Charizard, Zapdos, Articuno, Mewtwo, Vaporeon, Gengar.
Articuno. Articuno is considered one of the strongest Ice Types.
Vaporeon is a Pokemon... Pokemon are not real things.... so no vaporeon is not real...
The only way to hatch a vaporeon is to hatch an eevee and the evole it with a water stone. there is no such this as a vaporeon egg
To make Eevee evolve into a Vaporeon, you have to expose it to a Water Stone.
Charizard, Zapdos, Articuno, Mewtwo, Vaporeon, Gengar.
Articuno. Articuno is considered one of the strongest Ice Types.
they all can. you just need to train them right. i did it with a pikachu, a charizard, vaporeon, marowak, pideot, and articuno.
Most water and ice types can as well as psychic types. Here are some examples: Mewtwo, Swampert, Vaporeon, Articuno.
Espeon or Vaporeon.
Vaporeon is a Pokemon... Pokemon are not real things.... so no vaporeon is not real...
Yes!!! Vaporeon is the BEST!!!!
vaporeon is a water type! :)
Vaporeon does not evolve into anything. However, Eevee evolves into Vaporeon via a water stone.
i think a good team always has your Pokemon being of different types. my team is: Charizard Pidgeot Raichu Mr. Mime Vaporeon Articuno My team is pretty much the same but i have different Pokemon, but they are the same type. Charizard fire/flying Alakazam Psychic Articuno Ice/Flying Seadra Water Electrode Electric (I don't have a 6th one)
You can get vaporeon in pal park, or evolve an eevee with a water stone.
There is no Articuno in Emerald