Here is the best of the best when it comes to defense give it up for Shuckle! He has amazing defense and special defense making him a tough Pokemon to defeat but that's why everything else but HP is terrible!
There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.
The most defensive is Chikorita. Cyndaquil definitely has the best attacks, with Totodile in a close second. Easy game: Cyndaquil Intermediate game: Totodile Hard game: Chikorita
the best pokemon to use is mudkip.
When Turtwig evolves, it's speed greatly reduces, so I suggest you capture a speedy Pokemon, like Pachirisu, Buizel or Starly to balance this. Perhaps catch a flying Pokemon later on in the game, like Chatot and get a really good defensive Pokemon like Bronzor or Sheildon.Balance your team to compliment your starter so you have strong Pokemon in all areas.:O)
torterra is the best grass type Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon VULTRAE:torterra or roserade
The best Pokemon is a Pokemon that has been EV trained, has the correct nature and the moves that are a mixture of Offensive/Defensive/Special. So there is no best Pokemon.
The best Pokemon on Pokemon diamond is obviously a Bidoof...Joke :)No this is entirley an opinion based question but the best aka most powerful,and most defensive is Diagla
Definitely NOT bulbasaur. I would recommend Charmander- but Squirtle has beautiful defense stats if you want a defensive pokemon.
The top most defensive Pokemon are the following:1. Machamp2. Tyrranitar3. Charizard4. Salamance5. Golem6. Steelix7. Groudon8. Deoxys9. Dragonite
Alabamas defensive coordinator
Lawyrence Taylor (retired) is the best defensive tackle in the NFL.
A good Pokemon is a Pokemon with balanced stats not overlly offensive or defensive just equal.
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A lot of driving schools in Florida offer defensive driving courses. To get the best deals, your best bet is to ask around your area about trusted driving schools that can offer you the best deals in defensive driving.
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