there are loads Brock, professor Oak, Barry, dawn, may, misty, there are loads more can't remember their names
Ash's dad went on a Pokemon journey and we have not heard about him since you should watch the second episode of Pokemon it tells u in there about how ashs dad went on a Pokemon journy of his own
the episode that ashs grovyle evolves is odd Pokemon out that's the name of the episode and the season is battle frontier
Because that ashs last name.... He likes ash because they have formed a friend-ship over a long period of time.
Well, if you have an action replay there is a website that you can use to generate cheat codes for your ARDS < action replay d.s. >. You can create Pokemon and there move set and a bunch of other things!! It's really cool!!Now for the website;www.pokesav.orgYour Welcome
Zangoose does not appear in Pokemon sapphire, but you CAN get it. To get it, you must trade Pokemon with your friend if your friend has Pokemon ruby which is the only game you can get zangoose in. Or you can just buy Pokemon ruby.
you do not
Ash's dad went on a Pokemon journey and we have not heard about him since you should watch the second episode of Pokemon it tells u in there about how ashs dad went on a Pokemon journy of his own
the episode that ashs grovyle evolves is odd Pokemon out that's the name of the episode and the season is battle frontier
The Memory Remains from the ReLoad album.
Yes,because in the flashback in pokemon dimond and pierl ash's father has hair like silver's hair,or it is voltiner
arr man what is ashs bulbasaurs favo move?i think its rasour leaf.
Because that ashs last name.... He likes ash because they have formed a friend-ship over a long period of time.