A building starting with G is the Guggenheim in New York City.
A song starting with the letter G is Van Morrison's 'Gloria!'.
A musical instrument starting with the letter g is a guitar.
An alcoholic beverage starting with G is gin.
This dance is called a "gavotte".
a French policeman is 'un policier' or 'un agent [de police]'. The variety you find in rural areas are often 'gendarmes'
The "French" Policeman.
There is no such word as "genderman" in French. However, a "gendarme" is a policeman of military status working by the French countryside.
A mood starting with G is generous.
An attitude starting with G is gracious.
A gendarme is a policeman or constable. A gendarmerie is a police station.
A place starting with G is Genoa, Italy.
A thing starting with G is garage.
An antelope starting with G is gazelle.