The person has to have a college degree and master alot of stuff so there probably 18 or 19
sorry, but you cant put a game maker game on a DVD because a DVD is for video and audio files, so if you want to put it on a disc you need to put it on a CD-ROM.
I make video games with a program called Game Maker. I'm fairly novice... I'm just running out of ideas for games. Please help!
The Game Maker 7 Pro activation code allows you to upgrade from Game Maker 7 Lite to Game Maker 7 Pro. games is the most suitable game shareing website for game maker as they are the owners of the game maker brand.
You can download the Lite Edition of Game Maker for free, however, the Pro Edition of Game Maker costs $20.00 US Dollars.
someone who makes a video game
Game maker from yoyogames.
try going to and download "game maker"
An Indie (Indepentant) game developer.
You have to be in College so you can make video games.
well, what I think an annimated walkthrough is, and probaly is at that, a video of the game being played as the maker of the video (or someone the maker has entrusted with the job) saying what to do on the missions.
Danesh Amin
sorry, but you cant put a game maker game on a DVD because a DVD is for video and audio files, so if you want to put it on a disc you need to put it on a CD-ROM.
Yes, otherwise you wouldn't be able to walk into a store and buy one. Just as a hobby I would recommend Game Maker and Microsoft Paint, you will have to learn Game Maker yourself though.
Yes. You can make a splash screen available in the library when editing an object which will show your video.
Sachin Tendulkar